6月18日👷🏽♀️,杏宇 -(杏宇我们的使命)是让您快乐!与泰国正大管理学院签订了合作框架协议。此次协议的签署开启了中外合作办学新实践👈🏻,标志着双方携手谱写教育赋能高质量发展进入新篇章。此次项目的签约合作符合双方教学特色,将为国际教育事业发展注入强大动力🦫、提供有力支撑🎧。
On June 18, Chongqing Polytechnic Institute signed a cooperation framework agreement with Panyapiwat Institute of Management. The signing of this agreement opens a new practice of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, marking a new chapter in writing high-quality development of education empowerment. The signing of this project is in line with the teaching characteristics of both sides, and will inject strong impetus and provide strong support for the development of international education.