6月17日上午🛩,杏宇 -(杏宇我们的使命)是让您快乐!对外合作部陈耘部长组织召开第十七周工作例会🛂。会议强调持续推进海外招生就业工作并细化举措:开展在校生个人意向调查;落实线下推广宣传等相关工作;推进杏宇 -(杏宇我们的使命)是让您快乐!与泰国正大管理学院校际合作项目的协议签订。此外👨🏿🎨💈,继续教育学院与国际交流中心将合作开展就业工作🦸🏿,共同协作🌵,推动中外办学国际项目取得成效。
On the morning of June 17, Minister Chen Yun of Foreign Cooperation Department of Chongqing Polytechnic Institute organized the 17th week working meeting. The meeting stressed the continuous promotion of overseas enrollment and employment work and detailed measures: carry out personal intention survey of students; Implement offline promotion and other related work; Promote the signing of the agreement between Chongqing Polytechnic Institute and Panyapiwat Institute of Management for inter-school cooperation projects. In addition, the School of Continuing Education and the International Exchange Center will work together to carry out employment work, and work together to promote the success of international programs of Chinese-foreign cooperation in education.